beeswarm 0.4.0 (2021-06-01)
- Thanks to James Trimble (now a package author) for the following:
- The "method" argument has a new option "compactswarm", which gives a swarm with a more dense point layout.
- New argument "fast" (default: TRUE) does point layout with faster C code.
- Thus, the package now requires compilation.
beeswarm 0.3.1 (2021-03-07)
- Fixed bug where non-varying input (a single value, or a single value repeated) in non-swarm methods would yield NAs (thanks raredd). (GitHub Issue #8)
- Updated email and URL in DESCRIPTION.
beeswarm 0.3.0
- Added new argument "pwcex" for adjusting plotting character size of individual points. (GitHub request #3 by alexpreynolds)
beeswarm 0.2.3 (2016-04-25)
- Fixed a bug in which specifying non-default "corral" and "side" arguments would result in unexpected results. (Issue #2)
beeswarm 0.2.2
- Check that glim, dlim, xlim, ylim have length 2, thus avoiding confusing errors.
- New argument "axes" (previously, trying to specify "axes" in ... would cause an error).
beeswarm 0.2.1 (2015-08-29)
- Corrected NAMESPACE and DESCRIPTION to properly indicate Imports and to remove unnecessary Depends.
beeswarm 0.2.0 (2015-05-04)
- New arguments "side" and "priority" for beeswarm, swarmx, and swarmy. "side" allows swarms to grow on only one side rather than both sides. "priority" controls the order in which swarms are built, thus affecting the appearance of the plot. Thanks to Jon Lake and Brad Stiritz for suggestions.
beeswarm 0.1.8
- Added "Depends: stats" to DESCRIPTION and removed "require(stats)" calls from code in order to achieve a clean package check
beeswarm 0.1.7
- ".calculateSwarm" now performs the swarm point layout more efficiently
beeswarm 0.1.6 (2013-09-20)
- The argument "labels" now gets recycled.
- "labels = NULL" is now the same as missing "labels"; i.e. labels are inferred from data.
- There is now a "corralWidth" argument to control the size of corrals, if corrals are used.
beeswarm 0.1.5 (2012-05-08)
beeswarm 0.1.4
beeswarm 0.1.3
- New function "bxplot" as a minimal version of "boxplot", intended mainly as a way to add quantile lines to a beeswarm plot.
- "beeswarm" has a new argument "corral" to control the spread of swarms into adjacent groups.
beeswarm 0.1.2
- Documentation fixes
- Added a NAMESPACE file
- The formula interface now splits as expected for formulas such as: x ~ y * z
beeswarm 0.1.1 (2011-08-04)
- Documentation fixes.
- Adjusted "beeswarm.default" to work when x is a simple numeric vector.
- Removed "beeswarm.numeric" .
beeswarm 0.1.0
- In "beeswarm", defaults for "col", "pch" are now taken from "par", and "bg" defaults to NA, and "pwbg" defaults to NULL.
- Renamed "smile" method; now it is called "swarm"
- Changed default method to "swarm"
- Removed function "smile"
- New functions "swarmx" and "swarmy" for easily adding swarm-ed points to a plot.
- Fixed bug affecting swarming when par('cex') was not 1.
- Fixed bug reversing xlim and ylim on horizontal plots.
- Fixed bug causing an error if xlim or ylim were set to NULL
- Defaults for xlim and ylim are now NULL instead of missing
- New argument 'dlim'
- Log scales are now supported.